Monochrome FactorVol.9 Chapter 65

The story revolves around high school student Akira Nikaido, a typical slacker living a normal life. That is, until he meets the mysterious Shirogane, a man who suddenly appears and tells him that they have a destiny together. When Akira hears this,

Mother KeeperVol.9 Chapter 72 : Be Human [End]

The world is split into two kinds of people: those on the "inside" of EDEN, and those on the "outside". Within EDEN there is clean air and water - it lived up to its name of a true paradise. But EDEN cannot contain all of the people of the world. EDE

Kuroa ChimeraVol.4 Chapter 23: Legend of the White Serpent [Page 5]

From MangaHelpers:Luca's friend Will, who is from a lower-class segment of society, has gone missing. Luca's only clue to find his friend is his fondness for a certain club in the entertainment district, where a woman named Yue performs. Will had alw