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Ma no Mono-tachi wa Kuwadateru
魔のものたちは企てる ; Ma no Mono–tachi wa Kuwadateru ; Ma no monotachi wa Kuwadateru ; Ma no Mono-tachi ha Kuwadateru ; Demons Plan Something Good! ; The Demon Bunch Plans
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Is this how we deal with top-level adventurers?!The daily struggles of the Demon Lord's army in an "R&D Discussion" comedy!
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This is pretty good so far, although I'm writing this while only 3 chapters have been released.
It's a nice manga with a slice-of-life kinda feeling to it while also being quite funny to read and having a nice plot to it.
It is episodic in it's nature while, previously mentioned, having nice little plots for it's short but entertaining chapters.
The artstyle is very cute and easy on the eyes, supporting it in it's relaxed and comedic story-telling. But for the people who came here looking for the naughty stuff, I'm pleased to say that there's some, but not to the degree of filling it's whole chapters with it to get the views.
4/5 Stars, I'll be bookmarking it, after seeing if it upholds this quality or not, or even becomes better I'll be adjusting my review. Thanks for reading my review, have a nice day!
(Also sorry for sounding like a bot, I just wanted to write a good review)