All Manga, Character Designs and Logos are © to their respective copyright holders.
The Great Disgusting Filter List Part 1
Created By NeverWhere
A list of filters for "Adblocks Custom Filters" to hide thumbnails from Yaoi, yuri, sm-ut and other works with disgusting thumnails so you don't have to look ath them. ot's harder to misclick them and you can know that that is a work you don't want to click on.
For this batch, censored by the site, substitute the asterisks with the letter at the end of the line, in order.
||**-buddy-and-having-s**-everyday-my-crush-is-my-step-brother.png$image ck ex
||**-who-can-tease-coax-and-act-coquettish.png$image od
||****-around-for-20-years-ive-become-a-cheater.png$image wing
||******-to-life.png$image umming
||**-room.png$image ck
||**-is-my-only-true-talent.png$image ex
||***-by-my-best-friend.png$image kin
||**-for-tat.png$image it
||**-buddy.png$image xx
||**.png$image ex
||**y-buttocks-not-good.png$image ex
||**.png$image ex