Being of Madness Asu...Rocks on  Kyuuseishu ≪MESHIA≫~Isekai wo sukutta moto yuusha ga mamono no afureru genjitsu sekai wo musou suru~
Great story , the things aren't rushed like in other isekais AND the mc actually has reasons doing what he does
PersonRocks on  Hetakuso Love Step
Reading the description made me kind of nervous but the story ended up being really cute. Character development after the first chapter surprised me in a good way. They are a very sweet couple. I recommend 👍
Legacy101Pretty good on  Hime Muko
Really liked this story!! Cutiesss
minervaKinda bad on  Heat and Run
even thought the beggining is very good, the last 20/30 chapters are awful and don't make sense at all
ItzAryaPretty good on  Mukuchi na Omoi wa Koi to Naru
I just started and I'm already in love with the manga... and the two protagonists are too cute :0
WoofRocks on  Happy Shitty Life
Love these dumbasses
memeRocks on  Castle
Whoever interested in meeting the crazily strong people and most hyped fight scenes,
Then you are at the right place.
Amanda JaramilloRocks on  The Villainess Reverses The Hourglass
It's very great manga to read I love 💕💕💕💕😘 so much
SimianSucks big time on  Endless devourer
Oh hey another generic character, and another, and another ad infinitum. This is a shout-out to all the manga you've read before because this one is exactly the same. Not a single reasonable person in sight, they're all tragically monodirectional.
sabrine cruzRocks on  Lost in the Cloud
Probably the best BL manhwa I've ever read
ShakespeareRocks on  Talented baby squirrel
 I don't know where to start but this is a very lovely manwha and I suggest u take time in ur life to read it and write a review
Yo69Rocks on  Dear Door
Every thing about this bl is so ggood
SaaraRocks on  Love Is An Illusion
There is so much drama and so much comedy. This is my all-time favorite omegaverse comic by far. 

This is the one I keep coming back to again and again.
SaaraRocks on  Dangerous Convenience Store
One of my favorites. Good story, good art, adorable main couple with great chemistry.

There is nothing I don't like about this comic. 5/5
kikaayullRocks on  Dangerous Convenience Store
love this one!
Deleted userKinda bad on  My Wizard, My Destiny
The SteveRocks on  Kagakuteki ni Sonzai Shiuru Creature Musume no Kansatsu Nisshi
Hokay... this is a tough one, but I'll give it my best. 
It's gonna be a bit long though, sorry.
Ever notice that most Isekai's end up being, "Japan or Not-Europe with generic magic and whatever fetishes the author has", and nothing more? 

Yes, I know that describes like 99.95% of every single Isekai in existance, but bear with me here. Ever wonder why that is?
Or if that's too broad a thought, lets tighten up to a single example. Specifically, take Maids, Maido, メイド.
Question: Why are Maids in so many Isekai? 
Answer: Because the Author or the Editor above them wanted them in there.

However: Not that having Maids™ make sense in most fantasy lands. 
In fact, they make the exact opposite of sense. You need a specific amount of culture, both religious and economical, in a society with just the right amount of technological dominance and competition in a world for you to have the people who want and can afford, purely for status, specialized-in-training servants in specialized garb, as status symbols to take care of your property.

Unless, you were a fantasy world that not only knew about people from another world, but that enough of them have come, bringing their knowledge of advanced technology and that they liked beautiful women who wore specific clothing and talked and acted in a certain way. Only then does it make sense to have Maids™.

Which is why, while nearly every single sentient race on this planet knows about the existance of Otherworlders, only the Humans kingdoms have Maids™.

In the thirty-ish chapters thus released as of writing this, there has been no spells, no magic, and nearly (no one is perfect) no malarky or laziness of an author trying to cram something in where it doesn't make sense.
The only failures are in the fact that everyone has healthy teeth, the lack of STD's, the lack of death's due to childbirth, and the premature aging that comes from struggles of the various primitive societies. Oh, and that everything with ti** is drawn attractively... almost as if there's a Darwinian benefit for these species to be so... hmm.

In short:
These. Species. Make. Sense.
Their. Cultures. Make. Sense.
This. World. Makes. Sense.
This. Story. Makes. Sense.

You'll note that I did not say it was pleasant. This is not a feel-good, no-brain, no-worry world. It is primitive, and savage, and it touches (read: stomps with large and heavy boots) on multiple uncomfortable subjects.

On top of attempting to make the biology of the various creatures make... if not sense, then a bit more realistic than the hand-wavey 'a wizard did it' that owlbears and big-bosomed elves get, on top of all that, there is serious effort in making distinct cultures, clearly modeled by someone with either an Anthropology passion, or some da** fine googlin' skills. 
Every species not only has a distinct culture, diet, technology, and place in this world, but that they do not see Humanity as an ideal goal.

Certain human beings yes, but as a whole, no. 

This allows them to have points of view that some/many people will certainly not agree with, especially as they are prominant characters in the stories. And, when both Isekaid characters are exposed to... shall we say... non-'traditional' perspectives, well, you either gotta distance your mind and perspective from the usual, "The Isekai'd character is a stand-in for ME", or, sit there and think that the other world just might not be Japan with elves with big ti**.

Oh yes, speaking thereof...  This story definitely earns it's Ecchi and Harem tags, though the latter is from sheer blo*** minded stubbornness. 

All in all, a fine read, if you want your Isekai to have more... crunch than the generic wallpaper paste that the other 99.5% of Isekai be, then give it a read.

tl;dr therez spider-centaur girliez with six teeties!

Thank you for typing so much I will agree with every thing you said the aurthor realy out did himself with this manga it covers how they lived and ill give an example the female spider women are domanit and hunt and the male stay at home "thank g** they don't eat the men" the female spiders are also a lot stronger than the male spiders. They also talk about feminism and other political questions its also very fun to read.
Tip JarSucks big time on  Pharmacy Back Room (In Pharmacy)
It was sh**.

There is basically no storyline and not the good kind of no storyline, like the kind where they start adding plot to it then went "plots too harrrddddd.... I KNOW LETS JUST DROP IT COMPLETELY AND ONLY SLIGHTLY TALK ABOUT THE REALLY IMPORTANT PART!!! I mean whose gonna remember something from like 3 chapters back?"

There was this whole narrative of MC has a crush on his soon to be partner, then he finds his soon tk be partner and the one other employee having s** in the break room and gets sad thinking they are in a relationship. The next day MC decides tk quit because he can't stand the tension he has with everyone now. 

When he goes to his boss (his future partner) to resign, before he can say anything, his boss basically says "You seemed down lately... I knkw what you what! To go drinking with your boss! Right?". Mc and his VERY obvious crush on his boss makes him decide to agree and go with his soon to be partner.

You think this is gonna be a good manwha by what you've read so far? Well your wrong. The next couple chapters is just a speed run of any plot wholes the author can remember to fill, leaving this big massive main one that your just thinking WTF at.

The next scene is them in a bar and MC is drowning his sorrows in beer. After getting drunk he confesses his love and that he say soon to be partner and other employee having s** AT THE SAME TIME!!!! Before soon to be lover can say anything MC passes out.

MC wakes up with soon to be partner in the same bed as him and when soon to be partner asks whether MC remembers anything, MC says no. They soon confess again and are now dating

The next scene is the next day where MC and Partner (previously soon to be partner) are texting. The only way we know that Partner and Other Employee stopped having s** together is that, whilst walking to work together Other Employee basically just say "so we can't have s** anymore?" Get jealous and storms off. It then shows MC and Partner trying to have a romantic moment when Other Employee comes in and tells them to lock the doors if they are going to do it. 

The final scene is a s** scene where it is never made clear whether Other Employee is still in the building or not.

(And I'm pretty sure my recap is more fun then the actual manwha.)
Évangéline M.
Évangéline M.Rocks on  Define The Relationship (Yaoi)
Simply, my favorite EVER!!!!! Beautiful art, heart-wrenching angst, I'm dying for more!!!
IbselRocks on  Black Mirror
Good read. Fascinating and Enjoyable.
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