No friendsSucks big time on  My Housekeeper's a Boy!?
PhantomRocks on  Tower Of God
PhantomRocks on  The beast tamer exiled from the the hero’s party and the cat eared girl from the strongest race meet
PIneapple3000Pretty good on  I'll Save this Damn Family!
Who doesn't love a good and strong fl
Very slow slowburn romance but ay I'm not complaining
Random commenter
Random commenter
it cause the leads go from enemies to amicable to eventually lovers.
StardustLullabyKinda bad on  The Saintess' Secret Night
The only redeeming factor of this r@pey piece of poorly written whatever, is the potential between the FL and Joshua. Even so, there is no plot. I like a whole lot more substance and a whole lot less r@pe in my sm**
StardustLullabyRocks on  Yankee Ω wa Kemono Ou-sama no Mono!
OK this is actually f*cking adorable and wholesome
StardustLullabyMeh on  Warrior’s Adventure
Just sm**, not much substance, also quite r@pey... Yet I'm still reading every update and I can't for the life of me tell you why, so yea 😅
StardustLullabyPretty good on  The Heart of Red Cloak
A bit r@pey but I'd have liked to see where it was gonna go, definitely good potential. Alas, it would appear that it was discarded by the author
StardustLullabyPretty good on  Liebling
Super cringy but super cute anyway
StardustLullabySucks big time on  Under the Green Light

Season 1 = 5 stars, no... 20 stars. It was literally just that good. I was so looking forward to season 2. Waited over a year for it.

Season 2... Can suck my a** while I jump from a plane without a parachute into a volcano. The entire first chunk of season 2 is literally just violent R@PE. Painful, choking, bleeding r@pe. Between the main characters. Multiple chapters of it. What the fu** was the author thinking!? And then just as soon as it's over it's just the typical bullsh!t of "oh no that wasn't r@pe, let's be in an actual relationship now" WHAT THE FÛCK!!? Author clearly sold out. The vibe of season 2 doesn't even match season 1, the ra** is so out of place.
in season two, matthew didnt r@pe jin. If you read properly you could tell he was heavily drugged and that Jin also allowed mathew onto him. After Mathew did r@pe Jin, he immediatley regretted it and took care of him. I think you should read more carefully

i love billie eilish and alien stage !! 👽 
🧸 top bl manhwas/huas/ga:
lost in the cloud 📸
nerd project 👓
murderer lewellyn's candlelit dinner 🍽️
traces of the sun ☀️
faraway home 🌊

@yoyo I think YOU should read more carefully. That wasn't true concent, he did also try to kick him away and stop him a few times after that... and being drugged don't make a crime no longer a crime. Regretting the ra** does not remove the ra**. It did not belong in the story. Period.

@StardustLullaby but Matthew is genuinely sorry about what he did, and it isnt really his fault anyway, he was drugged (he did not drug HIMSELF). jin held onto him because he knew matthew wouldn't do such a thing to him. matthew didn't know what he was doing and he did regret it and is scared to do the same thing to jin again. And yes, the r@pe was unnecessary, but it was never matthews intention to r@pe jin. (I AM JUST CALRIFYING THERE WAS SO INTENTIONAL R@PE).

i love billie eilish and alien stage !! 👽 
🧸 top bl manhwas/huas/ga:
lost in the cloud 📸
nerd project 👓
murderer lewellyn's candlelit dinner 🍽️
traces of the sun ☀️
faraway home 🌊


I get that it doesn't bother some readers, great read it and enjoy. But it DOES bother others. Stop responding to reviews and comments that express their dislike of that vile act trying to defend it. Stop it. We are reviewing so that others who also don't like it can be warned that it exists in the story so they can avoid it if they need to.The review is not for you, so go away

@StardustLullaby ok but one star for season two? I get it is an opinion but honestly season two is actually good bro 😭 and no, I am not attacking you bro did you readmy comment properly? I said "(I AM JUST CALRIFYING THERE WAS SO INTENTIONAL R@PE)" bro I am not disrespecting your opinion or defending this manhwa.. I am educating you that it wasn't intentional r@pe take a chill pill

i love billie eilish and alien stage !! 👽 
🧸 top bl manhwas/huas/ga:
lost in the cloud 📸
nerd project 👓
murderer lewellyn's candlelit dinner 🍽️
traces of the sun ☀️
faraway home 🌊

Did you read mine? There is no such thing as intentional or not, ra** is ra**, a crime is a crime, and the narrative that it's all ok because it's not "intentional" and "aw but he's really sorry"... No. That sh** needs to stop. It's not ok. Plus, the act itself is a trigger for some people and the act continues for multiple chapters and is very violent and graphic. Yes, that ruins the entire story for me, and I know many who agree. Again, reviews are not places you go to argue why the poster is wrong. The review is not for you. Stop trying to "educate" people. The reviews are not meant for that. So MOVE ALONG and enjoy your story

@StardustLullaby no but isnt it good to learn something? You said "the entire season is violent r@pe" LIKE BRO IT IS NOT 💀 did u read the manhwa smh. Anyways I can't be dealing with your cr*p there is so much things wrong with your review but that is my opinion xox thanks for the entertainment

i love billie eilish and alien stage !! 👽 
🧸 top bl manhwas/huas/ga:
lost in the cloud 📸
nerd project 👓
murderer lewellyn's candlelit dinner 🍽️
traces of the sun ☀️
faraway home 🌊

i love how u also changed ur bio just bc of me too

i love billie eilish and alien stage !! 👽 
🧸 top bl manhwas/huas/ga:
lost in the cloud 📸
nerd project 👓
murderer lewellyn's candlelit dinner 🍽️
traces of the sun ☀️
faraway home 🌊

I understand that at 14 you think you know everything, but this aint it and it's a real bad look to be so very wrong with such utter confidence.

And did I say "the entire season 2", or did I say the entire first chunk of season 2? hmm??

Not a fan of actually reading but having the audacity to "educate" someone about something you clearly know nothing of? Do better ok?

@StardustLullaby ok let me clear things up!

1. "aw but he's really sorry"... No. That sh** needs to stop." He was actually sorry and he did stop because obviously he didnt plan to ra** Jin.

2. "Again, reviews are not places you go to argue why the poster is wrong. The review is not for you." Again, as a clarified, I am sharing my opinion and you might say "yeah but no one asked for it" well duh this is reviews why should you need to? I honestly was just trying to say that the ra** was not intentional. And YES, I did hear you say "ra** is ra** intentional or not".
But saying "And then just as soon as it's over it's just the typical bullsh!t of "oh no that wasn't r@pe, let's be in an actual relationship now" like yes, they are going to be in a relationship because they love eachother, because Jin knows matthew would never intentionally ra** him. I have said this before and I said it again.

3. "R@PE IS R@PE. INTENTIONAL OR NOT. STOP DEFENDING IT. IT HAPPENED." I am not defending ra** 💀 I am clearly telling you that matthew didnt intentionally ra** him and to Jin that is fine. And yes, you have said a billion times "ra** is ra**" but honestly, does it matter if they love eachother? And yes, I know people will get triggered by ra**, but you know you can just skip a few of the chapters? You said season 1 was a clear 5, or nearly 20 stars, so if you love the manhwa that much you could just skip a few chapters! It was only 3 chapters yet you chose to read them all!! If you're triggered SKIP it. Or drop idc <3 

And if you're not bothered to read this then don't be bothered to come attack me again 👍
I hope this clarified things and please stop comin for me 💀

i love billie eilish and alien stage !! 👽 
🧸 top bl manhwas/huas/ga:
lost in the cloud 📸
nerd project 👓
murderer lewellyn's candlelit dinner 🍽️
traces of the sun ☀️
faraway home 🌊

@yoyo wow. Thats a lot of words literally pointing out exactly what I've said, that you know nothing. And YOU are on MY REVIEW... so who's coming for who, hmm? You're the one who scrolled through dozens of pages of reviews to finally get to mine for the sole purpose of starting an argument? Does that sound like sane behavior to you? Did you start sh** with EVERY 1 star review?? Wow. That's... Wow.

Look, I'm not wasting more energy talking to a wall, go read the wonderful romantic "non-ra**" story I've dropped and reviewed and moved on from MONTHS ago. If you enjoy it, that's all that matters isn't it? Other people's "wrong" opinions shouldn't bother you this much.

@StardustLullaby girl... you are literally the stubborn one here. I obviously said "stop comin for me" yet here you are again 💀 also i love how you're assuming that I come attack every one star review. I honestly think you didn't even read my review. I was telling you there was no intentional ra**, how much do i have to say it? "RA** IS RA** INTERNTIONAL OR NOT". Yes. Ra** is a disgusting thing to do, and I was never defending it. But as I have SAID, Jin and Matthew still love eachother dearly because Matthew NEVER EVER intented to do sh** like that. And honestly, if you're triggered by ra**, SKIP or DROP. I honestly don't care which. And NO, I am not attacking you for leaving a one star review, and NO, I am not trying to start any arguments. Honestly, I was clarifying there was no intentional ra** and didnt think you'd get SO triggered by my comment and acting so stubbornly upon it. Now leave me alone if you wouldn't mind instead of saying "Omg you're the one coming for me" or "You're so stupid!! blah blah blah" like girl i didn't know 💀💀

i love billie eilish and alien stage !! 👽 
🧸 top bl manhwas/huas/ga:
lost in the cloud 📸
nerd project 👓
murderer lewellyn's candlelit dinner 🍽️
traces of the sun ☀️
faraway home 🌊

@yoyo YOU ARE ON MY REVIEW! You leave me alone, blo*** he**!

@StardustLullaby Okay. I'm glad I cleared things up 😊

i love billie eilish and alien stage !! 👽 
🧸 top bl manhwas/huas/ga:
lost in the cloud 📸
nerd project 👓
murderer lewellyn's candlelit dinner 🍽️
traces of the sun ☀️
faraway home 🌊

StardustLullabySucks big time on  The Alpha's Bride
I'll admit I actually was enjoying this one, but the uploaders were uploading over each other and doing a sh!tty job at it too, chapters were being cut badly and only fractions of it was making sence, also the translation sucked big time and when people pointed out that these things were ruining the experience for them, the uploaders got p!ssy about it and stopped uploading. Not sure if it will ever be continued
GostlyKittyRocks on  Kono Te Wo Hanasanai De
A very heartwarming story
Trust me I'm everywh...Rocks on  The Villain's Savior
Good story! I like how they made it short enough for us who doesn't have that much time to read! Perfect!!!
GayassbitchRocks on  Love Jinx
I could die for this manhwa♥️
xoxokiyonninRocks on  One-Way Romance
Dont mind it i liked it
StardustLullabyKinda bad on  Dark Fall
Beautiful art but I cant find the plot, just s*x. Way too r@pey for my taste. If you're triggered by brutal r@pe scenes, skip this one.
Siegfried VermeulenRocks on  Lucky! Housekeeper
Levi.Rocks on  Killing Stalking
See my pfp? Yeah it's our sangwoo, we love the basement!!
YaoiFreak😵‍💫Rocks on  One-Way Romance
this some freaky sh¡t😭but it's valid, The art is interesting and the storyline has you begging for a season 2
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